Change project name ONLY for packaged game?

If you have a big project including a lot of C++ stuff in it, renaming & redirecting the whole thing is not exactly viable.

Now just changing the packaging settings (name, description, etc.) and also checking the INI-files is not enough. The executable is still using the old project name and the folders and files in the packaged project directory also will still use the same old name.
Note that the window-title does use the new name from the package settings.

Now a lot of projects use temporary names until later where they get their final name. However how is this done in Unreal 4 (w/o renaming everything manually) so that the end-user will see only the new project name in the folders, executable, etc?

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I think if its blueprint only you do this by renaming your uProject file name - if you are doing a c++ source project you rename it in the build.cs

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Could you be more specific? You can’t rename the build.cs without renaming everything. And renaming everything is a pain for a big C++ project. Replace All works but… Not exactly ideal.

I mean internally the whole thing can use the old name. It’s just that the window-title (which we can change), directories, visible files and executable need a name change for the end-user.

I know how to do it the hard way but again, this is not very viable for large C++ projects (and this solution does not include extra items like GameInstances and such that also need a rename if included):
But that is not what I’m looking for. The project can just continue using it’s codedname for the developers but needs another name for the final package&distribution.

I did a game jam and we had this issue come up, i didn’t make this fix but we had this problem and my team member did the fix - I linked him this, I know for sure we didnt have to do a major rename

maybe it was the targets? sorry, my copy of the game jam game on my laptop doesnt have the change, we did it right at submission from his laptop :frowning:

If you happen to find out how he did it, I would be very interested and also for future projects because this is something I run into a lot.

That fixed the executable name. Folder structure and files sadly remain like the old name.

I guess that there is no way to do this properly in Unreal without going through the entire project and renaming everything (filenames and folders and C++) and setting up redirections and what not…

Your method is an okay solution for most projects. The others sadly will have to resort to a full rename&redirect everywhere.

if it makes you feel any better - Ark shipped with its exe as ShooterGame.exe, they did ok I hear :smiley: - thanks for ze upvotes, one day I’ll get that badge :smiley:

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After some experimentation, I’ve finally found a solution:

  1. Go to the project folder: C:\Unreal\ > rename it to

  2. Rename [old_project_name].uproject in the same folder (this determines the name of the final project folder name)

  3. Go here C:\Unreal\ [new_project_name] \Binaries\Win64 > Rename all of the files to the new project name (you will want to create backups of the old versions first, just in case. Rename them to something like [old_project_name_OLD]

  4. Download Notepad++

  5. Open each of those files in the Binaries folder (.exp, .lib, .pdp, .target) in notepad++ > search > replace > “Find what:” [old_project_name], “Replace with:” [new_project_name] > save all files


5B) For the [new_project_name].target file specifically, change this line: “TargetName”: “Project Name”, (Where Project Name is allowed to have a space. This will be the name of the final .exe)

  1. Delete the C:\Unreal\ [new_project_name] \Intermediate folder and re-launch the project in the editor at least once, so the folder & contents are re-created (this will rename some C++ files to the new project’s name, but won’t create some files until the project is packaged)

  2. In the Unreal FrontEnd, re-path the “project” (in the project section) and “local directory path” (in package) in your custom launch profile

*Note: This fix causes a new issue which bricks the packaged game from loading, if “do you wish to build” is unchecked (it should always be checked, anyway): "failed to open descriptor file …\ [old_project_name] .uproject.

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That’s why I keep all my C++ code in a plugin))

All of this is extremally ******. Why can’t we have package name coming from field in windows platform settings, like other platforms?