Access violation error

Hello guys, for a whole day I have been struggling with one error and everything seems fine to me. I can’t explain why this is happening. I will post the simplified version of my code, but first here are some details about my setup.

My classes:

  1. APlayerCharacter - inherits from ACharacter.
  2. FCharacterState - an abstract normal C++ class (Doesn’t inherit from any special UE4 classes).
  3. FIdleState - another normal class that inherits from FCharacterState.
  4. FCharacterStateMachine - It contains instances of FCharacterState and is contained in APlayerCharacter.

Here are all my classes, but with only relevant data in the order above:


class LEARNINGGROUND_API APlayerCharacter : public ACharacter



	// Other class methods.


	FCharacterStateMachine StateMachine;

	// Other members

APlayerCharacter.cpp :

	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

	this->StateMachine = FCharacterStateMachine(this);

void APlayerCharacter::Tick(float DeltaTime)

        // This code cause the error.

Here is the CharacterStateMachine constructor:

FCharacterStateMachine::FCharacterStateMachine(APlayerCharacter* Character) 
	this->IdleState = FIdleState(this);

	this->CurrentState = &(this->IdleState);

And finaly the method that causes the error:

void FCharacterStateMachine::UpdateCurrentState()
	if (this->CurrentState != nullptr)

When debugging It enters the body of the if statement, in other words CurrentState != nullptr , but it doesn’t enter the Update method, before entering the Update I get this error:

Exception thrown at 0x000000A4CDACC480 in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation executing location 0x000000A4CDACC480. occurred

I have no clue what seems to be the problem. It seems that everything initializes correctly. My first guess was null reference exception, but since everything seems to be initialized correctly it appears it’s not the case.

EDIT: Here is the FCharacterStateMachine.h

class LEARNINGGROUND_API FCharacterStateMachine

	FIdleState IdleState;
	FWalkingState WalkingState;
	FJoggingState JoggingState;


	FCharacterStateMachine(APlayerCharacter* Character);

	void UpdateCurrentState();

	APlayerCharacter* GetCharacter() const;

	FCharacterState* GetCurrentState() const;

	void SetCurrentState(FCharacterState& State);

	FCharacterState* GetPreviousState() const;

	void SetPreviousState(FCharacterState& State);


	APlayerCharacter* Character;
	FCharacterState* CurrentState;
	FCharacterState* PreviousState;

Please add the header for the FCharacterStateMachine.

Hello, thank you for spending time on my question. I updated as requested. I think I found out the reason for the error. APlayerCharacter is UCLASS, in other words it’s managed by the engine. On the other hand FCharacterStateMachine is just a normal class that is not UCLASS. I think that the cause of the problem is that UpdateCurrentState gets a pointer to APlayerCharacter. In other words something managed is used by something that is not managed by the engine and that causes the Access violation. At least this is my best bet.