A question about '_C'

The “_C” is a postfix added to an asset or type to indicate that it is the generated class.
In theory, you shouldn’t be accessing this from your game module.
I’m not sure why your first line of code would not be working.

Have you tried “Game/SkeletonModel/02/Anim02”?

Hi, friends, I’m a complete novice at UE4. There was a problem I encountered before but I had solved, but a question still confuses me.
Here’s two line of codes.

	static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UAnimInstance> animclass(TEXT("AnimBlueprint'/Game/SkeletonModel/02/Anim02.Anim02'"));
	static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UAnimInstance> animclass(TEXT("AnimBlueprint'/Game/SkeletonModel/02/Anim02.Anim02_C'"));

As you can see, The second line of code which the ‘_C’ was added to the end of string works well… I can’t understand it… What’s the meaing of the ‘_C’? Could you help me? thank you very much!

Hi, calembendell ! It’s much appreciation for your timely answer! If I understand your answer correctly. You mean that the first line of code should reflect a same result as the second. But for my case, maybe there’s something wrong else with it. In other words, The first line of code do not work…

Here’s my anim bp class I reference in C++


Here’s the PIE image without ‘_C’. As you can see, Nothing about animation happened.

And this image represented the correct result I want. Undoubtedly, this result due to the ‘_C’ be added to the end of reference string…

Oh, I forgot to say that If I check the result from the first line of code, the ‘animclass.Class’ is nullptr!

	static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<UAnimInstance> animclass(TEXT("AnimBlueprint'/Game/SkeletonModel/02/Anim02.Anim02'"));
	if (GEngine)
		if (!animclass.Class)
			GEngine ->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 3, FColor::Green, TEXT("the bp class not found!"));


The img above represent the result from the code of block.
My UE4’s version is 4.14. Honest, I much agree with what you said. But the way of adding the ‘_C’ postfix seems not friendly for users…

I add that the “Game/SkeletonModel/02/Anim02” I had tried, nothing happened as same as the first line of code.