Make everything accept a sphere black/white


I’m trying to create a Sphere around the player, where everything, what is inside is colored normal. But everything, thats outside of that sphere is black and white. I have tried nearly everything, ■■■■■■■ to my mind but I came to no solution. I want it to look like this:

(I’m no graphic designer)

Thanks for every Answer

Hi NiklasZeroZero!

A high level solution could be the following:

You need a Post Process Material, which makes use of the depth buffer (one of the GBuffers when using deferred shading, but should also be available with forward rendering).

With the depth you can calculate the world position of the pixel (I found a previous question about that here which could help you with that). If the distance of that position to the players position is smaller than a radius (some scalar parameter), then you do not change the pixel, otherwise you do a grayscale conversion.

This will result in bad aliasing at the edges. Simplest way to get rid of that could be fading the edges. Possibly by interpolating between grayscale color and orginal color depending on the distance.

I hope this is enough to get you through this. Have fun! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your Answer, if have tried. But because I’m pretty new to Materials, do you have a small example. At least for the grayscale conversion.