Blueprint won't genarate floor! Please help

I followed a tutorial in making a grid from a streaming levels, but it didn’t work as in the video. It only genarates 1 tile.
The grid is generated in the level blueprint with a few variables for the size, gap and number of tiles for X and Y (there are more variables than in the tutorial).
Using breakpoints I managed to see that the transform node made correct values, but it still doesn’t make more than one tile

Tutorial: UE4 - Procedural Level Generation - YouTube

Also the lighting of the objects from the streamed level don’t have build lighting. Should I add a light source in each level?

What are you setting Number of Tiles X and Y to?

I’ve made an alternative blueprint that makes instanced static mesh grid, and it works great.
I haven’t managed to solve the level streaming part, but instanced static meshes are probably a better alternative