Progress Bar and Player Health only go between 1 and 0

The UMG health bar is in the 0-1 range. Since your health is between 0-100 you need to remap the value using the map range clamped/unclamped function.

That is of course hard coded. Your in range B should be your max health variable and Value should be your current health but you get the idea.

I’m building a demo for a game I’m working on, however when working on the health bars for the UI, a few issues occur.

  • When the game starts, the health bar immediately fills. For reference, the max health is 100 and current health starts at 25.
  • When the health is updated using the updatehealth function, two things happen: if the player’s health is reduced, it goes to 0, if it goes up, it goes to 1.
  • The progress bar does nothing but care if the player has above 0 health or not, rather than being representation by a percentage.

Here’s my current setup:

Player UI Get_Health_percent

UpdateHealth Function:

This is what’s seen on the player’s screen.
Begin play: See that the currenthealth is being displayed as 25.0

Reduce health: it goes to zero, when the health is only reduced by 5.

Increase Health: the player’s health goes up by 5. goes to 1 instead.

Something has to setup improperly, or my health variable is being mucked with by the progress bar. Any ideas?

If curren helth was 50 and helth max was 100 = 50/100 = 0.5 you need afte multiply it x 100 to get percentuage so you need add a note x 100.
It must help if you screenshot your windget blueprint too.

Simply divide your current HP by your max HP and you’ll get the percentage in 0-1 range.

Thank you, I think this is the answer I was looking for. Thanks for the help!