Some troubles with Player death by enemy

i´m trying to make enemy kill the player by touching player. As usual i have something missing which i do not know what it could be ? i made variables for health and damage but still something is missing

Thank you for ur help

Okay, there seem to be some things wrong in this:

  1. In your AiMovement BP, you inserted the damage as acceptance radius. But the acceptance radius is used to determine how near the AI agent should get to its target before it stops the MoveTo task. So I think “damage” is not correct here.
  2. Instead, plug your damage variable into the “Apply damage” node, because in your screenshot zero damage is applied.
  3. I’m not sure if “On Success” is triggered when your AI agent reaches its target, or when it simply accepts its new task (in this case “On Fail” would possibly be triggered, if your agent can’t find a path to its target). If you want an event to be triggered when it reaches its target, try a solution from e.g. this thread: Character simple move to location Completed event - Blueprint Visual Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

It is right! i have pluged my damage variable into the apply damage and i triggred On fail instead on success.
now it´s working thanx :smiley:

Thank you so much for the help i give u golden star :smiley: