UnrealVersionSelector doesn't get packaged with Rocket Build

I’m trying to build UE4.15 from source, which works just fine so far.

I’m packaging it as a binary build for distribution to a team / other machines and for ease of use. However, I can’t register the build because UnrealVersionSelector.exe doesn’t exist in the resulting build (in @/LocalBuilds).

How can I fix this?

Hey -

Please try adding the UnrealVersionSelector to the InstalledEngineFilters XML file based on the information here: UnrealVersionSelector doesn't get packaged with Rocket Build - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums


Hey ,

That link points right back to this question. Could you update it!


Sorry about that, this was the link I meant to provide the first time.


Hi ,

All the article says is that the file is a good place to start. The file itself is actually pretty complex.

If I had a default version of that file, where and what would I add to it to include the UnrealVersionSelector?

After speaking with other team members, it has come to my understanding that Unreal Version Selector (UVS) simply tells Windows to assign a registry key, it does not provide a specific key. Thus, simply including UVS as part of the binary engine would not guarantee a project could be smoothly copied from one machine to another for use with your custom binary engine.

The best solution would be to write a custom installer to install the binary engine and assign a specific registry key. This is the basic process that the Launcher uses to ensure all binary versions of an engine have the same key and allow projects to be passed from one computer to another.