I want to make my character move independently from the camera, like in megaman

As in the camera not following the character when he jumps, but lets you look at the whole level pespective and see the character as he jumps while also being able to look at terrain. Help!

I can’t picture it. Care to link a video to what you’re looking to make as an example?

Well based on your video it’d be easy. Just have the camera follow as normal, but limit the follow on the z axis so it doesn’t follow when you jump.

As for it not following completion, you can have triggers where the camera stops following the player, and then starts again once outside of the trigger.

Set your spring arm to absolute location and rotation. This breaks the spring arm, and subsequently the camera from moving or rotating with your character. Then you can set the camera wherever you want it by setting the spring arm world location and rotation independent of where your character is located or oriented.

In this pic, it only sets the rotation to absolute. You’ll want to set the location to absolute also.