TMultiMap not allowed as a UPROPERTY

I have been developing a hex map for my game and I’d like to be able to store the map as a Multimap so that I can access it through offset and cubic coordinates.However, when I tried to define it as a UPROPERTY, the UE4 side of Visual Studio throws out an error saying "Unrecognized Type ‘TMultiMap’ - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT, UENUM’.

I tried playing with it a bit, and UE4 has no problem allowing TArrays and TMaps as UPROPERTY, but TMultiMap is not allowed. Is there some kind of inner limitation with how the reflection system is designed that prevents me from making a TMultiMap UPROPERTY or is this a bug?

Yeah I derped! On second thought I really don’t need it to be a MultiMap, just a regular Map is fine. In my head I couldn’t have duplicate values with a TMap, though I realize now MultiMap is based around duplicate keys, not duplicate values.

I didn’t know that support was only just added for TMap! You’re right, it’s probably more of a feature request than a bug. Thanks for shedding some light on that.

Not really a bug, more of a missing feature. Until 4.15 only TArray was supported in Blueprints. In 4.15 they added TMap and TSet, but no TMultiMap yet.
What exactly do you need to do with a MultiMap? Maybe there is some workaround for it. I don’t totally see how “access it through offset and cubic coordinates” applies to MultiMaps.

Would be a nice to hear the response from Epic about this topic… Im struggling with this too.

Well, I think Muelas nailed it with his comment that it just isn’t supported yet. Maybe they could provide an ETA on the release it would be supported in?

If this is a necessity, you might be able to wrap the TMultiMap inside of a struct, and have the struct be a UPROPERTY. I think I’ve seen that workaround used for other cases, like nested TArrays.