Cast to Actor which have more than 1 procedural mesh component doesn't work

Hello everyone!
I have Actor BP, which procedural generate a wall at runtime. When I create mesh using a single procedural mesh component with 3 sections (front - section 0, back - section 1 and top - section 2) and try to cast from another BP to this Actor, everything is work. But, if wall generates from 3 different procedural components with the same collision settings, line trace return nothing and cast is failed.
“Create a collision” in all nodes “create mesh section” is enabled. In addition, I’m trying to change any parameters, such as Use a complex collision, change the collision response, manually set a collision for my BP, but that does not work
What can be wrong?

P.S. I’m sorry for my English:)

Line trace return true from blocking hit, but Hit Actor return object’s name “None” and cast does fail

Can you share some more details? I’m not sure if this is about the casting or the collision. Does your line trace return false, or does the cast on the returned actor fail?

Since the line trace hits your actor but doesn’t pass it in “Hit Actor”, how about using “Hit Component”->“Get Owner”? Does that work?

Unfortunately, this also does not work.
I created a simple project with 2 procedurally generated cubes. The method of creating sections is the same as in my main project. And the problem was also reproduced. If you press the cursor on the top face of the right cube, the cast will be failed
link text

I found a solution. If you delete the “ProceduralMesh2” component from BP, recreate it and reconnect all nodes, then everything works fine. It looks strange, but it works in my attached project, and in my main project :slight_smile:
And sorry for my English again:)