UE4 4.14 Blueprint Compile Times extremely long for small changes made

I’m having an issue with getting ue4 to compile withing a reasonable time. My level of understanding of the issue is pretty minimal, but what i do know is that when i hit compile, no matter the change, it takes about 3-5 minutes to get the game ready for play testing. Is there something im doing wrong? I’m working on a pretty beefy computer, SSD and lots of ram.

Also can someone help me clear up terminology between a Hot Compile, and just regular Compile. I keep seeing it in answer threads and have no clue what they are talking about.

Is your Blueprint a base class of other blueprints? Does your blueprint exist many times in your current map?

If you download the ARK SDK you’ll notice they have a “dev/test” map where theres very few blueprints on the map. I noticed this too and wont work on my in heavy use blueprints while I have my normal maps open for this very reason