Up to date c++ tutotrials - Coming from Unity

Hello, we have a small indie dev team, and we decided to switch over to UE4 because of reasons(and some issues with the 3D artist[]). I have worked with Unity’s C# for almost 4 years now. I also had a hard time in the past when I tried UE4 just for fun, to see how it would work out, because the c++ tutotrials were either outdated, or not clear enough. I have no problem picking it up bit by bit from a range of tutotrials, but it gets a headache pretty fast considering how well UE4 is currently doing, and the fact that I need to work out a playable demo in 2 weeks and a half is just another pressing matter. I have read through various text tutotrials aswell as watched at least 4 different youtube series, and got a few of the basics down. However, most of the time I try to follow a tutotrial I end up quitting and looking for a new one because the syntax is incorrect, and I would spam the forums with my noob questions. Browsing through the unreal documentation also leaves me in fog, because some of the newest comments tell about the documentation being outdated. So excuse me if this is a stupid question, but could anyone help me regarding this? If anyone could point me out to a good starting point/ tutotrial series that is currently working with 4.15 I would appreciate it a lot.

Check out Tom Looman and or Reuben Ward on youtube, if that suits you they both have tutorial series on Udemy, which are currently on sale. I switched to unreal from Radiant and with out those tutorials I’d still be going in circles.

I would say The Unreal Engine Developer Course - Learn C++ & Make Games is by far the best C++ UE4 tutorial you can find, it is paid but it’s worth it if you really commit to it.