Simple widget to change color to a static mesh

Hi everyone,
I’ve recently started to use UE4 for a university project and I kindly need help.
I would like to create a level where through a widget I could change the material to a static mesh.
Since I use HTC Vive + motion controllers I started from the VR template.
I created a widget blueprint called MenuWidget that contains three buttons ButtonColor1, ButtonColor2 and ButtonColor3.

After that I created an actor blueprint called MenuActor that contains my widget and I placed it in my level.
In order to respond to user interaction with the widget (I followed the instructions of Mitch McCaffrey’s book) I built a blueprint in the event graph shown in the image.

After creating a 2D widget and a 3D actor I added a widget interaction component to my player pawn and I activated motion controller trigger events for the widget interaction component.

Do I have to use the Set Meterial node like the one i showed in my MenuActor? How can I link that node to my static mesh?
Please be as clear as possible because I’m a beginner :smiley:
Thank you!