How to remove an inherited component C++

Hello, I have searched on this subject already and I can’t seem to find a definite answer that works. I’m trying to remove the skeletal mesh component that is inherited from the base Character class, how would I do this in the constructor for a class that inherits from Character?

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So I tried destroying the component and then setting active to false. Then after saving all, recompiling the Blueprint class that derived from the C++ class worked!

My code in the cpp’s constructor:


Make sure to just recompile the Blueprint(you can just place a node then delete it) and you should be set!

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Thank you so much for this solution!
Just for the record, you can destroy any left component of the actor by writing in its constructor:

 UActorComponent* spr = GetComponentByClass(USpringArmComponent::StaticClass());
 if (spr != nullptr) {

Don’t forget to include USpringArmComponent header.

It seems that the component returns when you remove these lines of code from constructor…
I think I will have to try this solution:

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