Unable to Build, cannot find UE4Editor.exe

Hello. I am trying to follow this guide to build UE4 from source. I am able to do all the steps, however when I try to start a new instance, I get the errors attached. Am I missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated. alt text

Hey JackpotRobot-

One thing I noticed about the page you linked is that it doesn’t mention running Setup.bat prior to GenerateProjectFiles.bat. Please try following the steps from this link (A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums) which should be a more current version of the source build process. One thing to check is after building UE4 in visual studio, navigate to the folder where the engine was installed and look for Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor.exe - running this exe will launch the built editor.


Hey . Thanks for the reply. I did run Setup.bat prior to GenerateProjectFiles.bat, but on another computer as my personal computer does not have internet connection. I then copied the engine back onto my personal computer and ran generateprojectfiles.bat. The other computer is Win7 and 64 bit as well. I followed the link you sent and still no luck. I do not have the UE4Editor.exe.

Based on the provided screenshots, there are still some dependencies missing. If the second computer doesn’t have an internet connection, please try running both Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat on the first computer, then copy the install folder back to the second computer. This should ensure all prerequisites are installed properly before building.

Well that did help a bit, but I still have the two UE4Editor errors at the bottom of the attached txt file. Should I try building it on the first computer? I still don’t have UE4Editor.exe.

Reading over the error messages again, it appears you built the engine for the Development configuration. Please make sure that the UE4 solution has been built for Development Editor and let us know if you’re able to launch the editor after that.

Okay, I tried doing that again, but it did not work. I received the same errors. I thought that I had set it on Development Editor before, but I really cannot see that is is correct because it is cut off as shown in a similar picture

Is there anything else I could upload for you? Thank you for your continued help .

Please try running the install steps from the documentation on a single computer (the one with internet), from Setup.bat through Compiling UE4. Once you’ve confirmed that you can launch the editor on that machine, you should be able to copy the folder with the installed engine over to the second machine. This will be a larger copy and will take more time, but should ensure that all files are in the correct locations.

I followed the guide perfectly in one day and exactly how it said, I still receive the same two errors and don’t have UE4Editor.exe. Would downloading UE4Editor.exe and placing it in \Engine\Binaries\Win64 fix the problem? I couldn’t find any download links, however. I’m at a loss of what to do. I don’t understand why it won’t work. If it helps in some way, I’m using Visual Studio 2015 and the latest Unreal Engine release.

Just to clarify, you downloaded the engine from the release branch on GitHub then ran Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat. After this you opened the UE4.sln file and compiled UE4 with Development Editor / Win64 set, correct?

I did notice references to the Localisation.Automation.cs file in the log file you provided. Can you tell me what country/region you’re installing the engine in?

Yes, all of the above is correct. I am installing the engine in the U.S.

After speaking with another programming team member he pointed out that the errors from your original post are coming from AutomationScripts.Automation. With the UE4 solution open in Visual Studio, please expand the Programs folder and try building AutomationScripts.Automation by itself by right clicking and selecting Build. If this fails, please provide the entire Build log from the attempt

Additionally, please check your Visual Studio installation to ensure that C++ features were installed properly. You can choose to modify the setup and then check that Visual C++/Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015 is checked (Common Tools should have a check mark and the Visual C++ heading should show a square).

If you’re still unable to successfully build the engine, please check that you have Windows SDKs installed. This page (Error windows SDK v8.1 must be installed in order to build this target - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums) includes a link to download the Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 SDKs

I built the AutomationScripts.Automation with no errors. All the C++ components were installed properly in Visual Studio. Installed both windows SDK’s, restarted the computer and tried to rebuild. Unfortunately, the same two errors appeared. Is it possible i need the Windows 7 SDK because I’m running Windows 7?

Having the Windows 7 SDK would be more likely to help than cause an issue if you don’t have it already. You can find a download for it here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8279 .

I know this was a while ago, but for anyone finding this later on, I resolved this by simply deleting everything and starting again.