How to make static camera dynamic/controllable?

Hi! I need your help! Well, I’ve added a camera actor to my scene. It is static. How can I control it with my mouse now? Atm I’m using simple rotation, but its not exactly what I need. I want to add: 1) yaw/pitch/roll restrictions 2) some sort of a cam lag. I know how to to do such things with my main character camera, but have no idea about this one((( Also I’m switching it to my main cam when the character is out of the trigger box. (its working fine)
BTW, I don’t think matinee is suitable for this situation. Any ideas? I’ll attach my level blueprint fragment.

I’m new to UE4. Thank you!!!

Make a new blueprint, set its parent to pawn and add a spring arm and a camera. Then you can control the pawn however you want as long as it is possessed.