Huge FPS Drop in mobile 4.15

Hi, I’ve never asked nothing here before because usualy I always got answers looking for others questions, but, unfortunately this time it’s not the case. I’am developing a small game with U4 and recently updated to 4.15, then I realized that my game stopped running at 60fps and dropped to ~40. The first thing i did was make a double check on everything, materials, blueprints, IA, animations, LOD’s… etc… etc… etc… and after make sure that everything was like it’s meant to be, i’ve decided to make a test, then i’ve downloaded the SunTemple example and built it with both versions 4.14.3 (the one i’ve been using until now) and with 4.15.1 and deployed it to my iphone 5. So I realized that I’am not crazy, take a look at the screenshots below:

And before the obvious answer, both projects are configured with frame rate lock at 60fps (double checked it too).




One thing that could affect performance on mobile is that in 4.15 engine default tonemapper was switched to a new filmic tonemapper, both for desktop and mobile. Could you try to disable new tonemapper and see if perf goes to 4.14 level? r.TonemapperFilm=0

In 4.16 for mobile we made a separate cvar to enable film tonemapper r.Mobile.TonemapperFilm, and it will be 0 by default, matching 4.14 defaults.

Bullseye! Thanks for the quick answer!