Changing Fill of a Progress Bar To Image/Gradient Fill

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could help me work out a blueprint to change the fill colour of a progress bar to an image, or the equivalent colours in a gradient fill.

Basically, the progress bar empty looks like this:

and I want it to fill up using this image (or the equivalent colours if this is easier):

Apologies if this is actually really simple

Thanks in advance!

Hello again!

This can be done easily via the progress bar properties:


You may need to adapt your image to fit properly though or play around with some of the other options.


Is there a way to use a material that expose 2 colors to achieve this effect. I was also trying to control where the gradient begins, but no luck yet. :frowning:

Hi, you should be able to do it with this kit on the unreal marketplace:
It should solve what you would like to do, I noticed there’s also a playable demo!