How to make a FPS Camera Shake when moving forward (C++ only)?

Hello everyone.
I’m a new user and for my university I have to use UE4 in c++.
Actually, I want to creat a camera shake for my FPS but I really don’t understand how. I read a lot of tuto or answers here but there are a lot of things I don’t understand and that why my camera don’t work.

First on it, my .h, I read I need to use:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = Name)
     TSubclassOf <UCameraShake> MyCamera;

I understand more or less (except the “Category”), but after, in m’y .cpp, how I create my object UCameraShake? With what? What function I need to use and how I can change parapeters?

I hope someone could help me.