Projectile Spawning in a Different Location on Client vs Server

So, I have a blueprint using the standard projectile component for a projectile in my game. The problem is I started off developing like it was singleplayer, then converted to multi-player. I did research online and implemented a blueprint I found that worked in the tutorial. The problem is, in my case, the server sees the projectile spawning and travelling exactly as it should. The client, although it sees the server (hosts)'s projectiles spawning just fine, it’s own projectiles spawn at a location further off from where they should. This distance is directly proportional to the velocity I give the projectile. I saw a forum post about server latency and how that may cause different projectile positions, but it’s firing off into a different direction entirely. To test if the spawning was correct, I spawned a static cube, that spawned correctly, but it was clumsy to test with so I spawned a particle system instead. The particle system, strangely doesn’t seem to spawn on the client. (I don’t remember if I set it to replicate.) But the real issue is that when I set it to spit out the location of the spawn in the spawn script and in the EventBeginPlay of the Projectile (To compare server and client), the values are different. I assume the player reference is off somehow? But it spawns at a fixed offset with the movement of the player so it is still moving with the player, just spawning at a distance for some reason.

I’ll post blueprint screenshots if necessary but I’m not at my PC right now so I’ll describe the way the script works. The player takes the shoot input and fires a RunOnServer Custom Event which Casts to the GameMode where a Multicast Custom Event actually takes care of Spawning the projectile. The Projectile is set to Replicate.

I have this screenshot I took while testing to show what the issue is:

Update, So I noticed when I scale the projectile back to 1, it look fine on both the server and client. The server was actually the one with the issue, not respecting the size of the blueprint actor, I assumed it was displaying correctly as the client seemed off. How do I fix the server scaling the projectile to 1.0 automatically?