Include header from engine

I’m trying to include

#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/Interfaces/IImageWrapperModule.h"
#include "Runtime/ImageWrapper/Public/Interfaces/IImageWrapper.h"

On compile it says:

Cannot open include file: 'Interfaces/IImageWrapper.h': No such file or directory

Which links to the include in the engine file itself: IImageWrapperModule.h

#include "Interfaces/IImageWrapper.h"

I’m not sure how to remedy this, since the compiler is complaining about an include in an engine file (once I try to include that file)

Edit: This wasn’t an issue in 4.13, but is now a problem in 4.15

Solved by adding the “ImageWrapper” module to my build.cs

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "ImageWrapper" });