Unable to change partition for installing


i am using the latest UE installer.

Its setting the default installation folder to D: However D is a partition of mine with only 60 mb harddrive.

I want to change to C or E, however that does not work
When i use the mouse, arrows or tab, i can switch between partitions but they are not selected (blue), instead they are only partially marked with a small black line around them. When i choose C or E using ENTER, the installer still tries to install on D. Since its not possible i am send back to the selection of partions. Basicly i am stuck.

Any help?

Hey X300,

For installation and issues with the Epic Games Launcher, please visit http://help.epicgames.com/

On the site, you’ll find various troubleshooting articles, as well as an Email us button on the side of the page that you can use to get in touch with one of our support staff.

Have a great day