is it possible to control a widget slider with trigger box?

Hi guys,
I’m very new to unreal engine and in the middle of creating my first game.
I want to affect a widget slider when the character walks into a triggerbox, is this possible?
So when my character walks into one boxtrigger the slider will go up to 10 for example.


1)Create a new actor blueprint

2)Create a box collision in the blueprint however big or small you want

3)Go to the event graph and use the EventBeginOverlap node.

4)Drag out from the blue other actor node on it and type GetClass to create the GetClassNode

5)Then drag out from the purple node and type" ==" to spawn the node to check what class is beginning overlap.

6)Drag out from the red node on the == node and create a branch from that.

7)Drag out from the true node on the branch and type GetAllWidgetsOfClass then select your widget

8)Drag out from the blue node on the GetAllWidgetsOfClass node and create the node “ForEachLoop” and also hook up the white node to it

9)You will need to have a customevent on your widget to do whatever you want to change to the slider.

10)Drag out from the blue array element node on the ForEachLoop node and type in your customevent name then create it.

That should work. Hope this helps.

Thanks Brylos! I will try it out today :slight_smile: