AudioUpdateTime causing hitches.

Hi there!

I am profiling my android game, since it has apparently random hitches. I am struglering with profiler but so far I reached these conclussions:

  • I have a lot of “CPU Stall”, so I think the real bottleneck is GPU, anyhow…
  • I found the hitches are directly related to the event “FAudioThreadTask.AudioUpdateTime” (please see image attached)
  • The AudioThread is almost a perfect copy of the GameThread (is that ok?)
  • Deactivating sound effects in the game solves the hitches
  • I already tried deactivating “Master EQ” and “Master Reverb” as suggested [here][1]
  • Happening in 4.14 and 4.15
  • The Hitch apparently happens right after the sound finishes.

In android devices I can’t see “GPU time”, but the Frame Time is always bigger (by far) than Draw and even bigger than Game Time (please see image attached)

Does anybody knows what “FAudioThreadTask.AudioUpdateTime” exactly do?

Here is the link to the profiling file, in case someone wants to add his two cents, any help is greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Please correct me if I am wrong in any of my previous conclussions.

Thanks a lot!!

Edit: on 4.16 the problem persists.

Up. Any ideas?

I need some help here. My project is live and I can’t update anymore because of this. Any Stuff available?

Can someone provide any info or documentation on what is “FAudioThreadTask.AudioUpdateTime” or how it works?
The hitches makes the game impossible to play.

Thanks a lot.


Same issues.

Hey @Nomte did you able to find the source of the problem? i’m getting same issue here with android and 4.21.