Feature request: Spawn procedural foliage like grasses

OK so I love the procedural foliage tool, and I love the fact that the grass type can be spawned by creative use of one’s material graph. I would so love it if the two could be combined.

The issue I have is that I don’t want to merely constrain my procedural foliage by vertex normal and landscape layer; I want finer control than that – mainly because my material has seasonal effects that come off an MPC collection and it would be great to be able to be able to have that output control the foliage in the same way it controls the grass. Also, it would be great to be able to use the same constraints my material places on grass placement on foliage placement all in the same place – while still being able to take advantage of the different scalings applied to foliage by the procedural tool.

So my feature request is: is there any way to make it so we can spawn procedural foliage from within the material graph in the same way we do grasses (or something similar)?

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