4.16 GitHub Branch: VR Editor bugs

Apologies in advance for the section, This is for the new 4.16 branch on GitHub (downloaded from zip and compiled today). Hopefully an admin can correct it once the appropriate choice is available.

List of bugs(Oculus+Touch user):

According to the last stream on VR editor, teleporting should always scale you back to 1.0. Is this a toggle or setting that I’m missing? I have to manually scale myself back to 1.0 before attempting to teleport. (From what I understand that stream was demonstrated using the Geometry branch)

Choosing the left handed setting is not saving between restarts.

When taking off my HMD, VR mode does not automatically exit. I have to use the shortcut, which doesn’t always work.

When selecting a Blueprint character, A black box shows up in my lower right eye that says Thirdperson Character.

I’m assuming having a 4.16 branch means we’re much closer to launcher preview build.

I’ve also added some general feedback/ideas for the VR Editor on the official forum thread here: Unreal Editor in VR - Official megathread - XR Development - Unreal Engine Forums

Thanks for the hard work!

Hello Xodroc,

I noticed that you have listed multiple issues in this one thread. I will need you to break this thread up in to multiple threads (one per issue) for tracking purposes. I was able to reproduce the first issue listed in the thread and I have written up a report. I have provided a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to use the link provided for future updates. Also, after making the new threads please post links to this in a reply on this thread so that others can follow up.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-44236)

Make it a great day

Separate Thread for Black Text Box appearing in the Right eye when selecting a Thirdperson Blueprint character in the level: 4.16 GitHub Branch: VR Editor: Black box appears in right eye when selecting a blueprint Thirdperson Character In Level - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Separate Thread for VR Mode not automatically exiting: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/591502/416-github-branch-vr-editor-vr-mode-not-automatica.html

Separate Thread for Interactor Hand setting not saving between sessions: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/591505/416-github-branch-vr-editor-interactor-hand-settin.html

Thanks, first time posting bugs here. Packing up my computer today so my testing/feedback days are over for a while.

teleporting should always scale you back to 1.0. Is this a toggle or setting that I’m missing?
There is a console variable VREd.TeleportEnableChangeScale overriding that. Setting it to 0 will reset your scale when you teleport. VREd.TeleportAllowScaleBackToDefault is what scales you to 1, and is active, but VREd.TeleportEnableChangeScale takes priority. So try that while they decide what the default behaviour will be.