Can't move around in game

Hi guys
I really hope you’ll be able to help me. When I press play I can turn my character around and everything, but w,a,s,d doesn’t work, so the character is just turning around on the same spot in game in stead of actually being able to walk around. Jump also doesn’t work…
The game mode should be set up properly and I haven’t done anything to the character’s blueprint, any ideas?

You have to go into ProjectSettings->Input and create some axis values for the movement (E.G. “MoveForward” and “MoveRight”) and one action mapping for the “Jump” key. Then you have to go into your character blueprint (or your character class) and setup the bindings for these mappings.

If you open a new project and start from one of the templates like the 3rd person you should be able to see how it’s done, the GameMode is only there to setup the initial classes to be used when running the game, like a default pawn that will be instantiated from the PlayerStart or the default player controller and AIController, these have nothing to do with input.

I will not bother you with too many details but sometimes also people like to setup the input on their PlayerController, it all depends on what you want your game to do.

Hope this clears it up for you.