Control+Shift+S Keyboard Shortcut not working

Basically the title says it all, the control+shift+s (save all) keyboard shortcut does nothing. Control+S works fine. Pressing Save All directly within the menu also works so it’s simply the keyboard shortcut not working.
I’m using qwerty keyboard (PT).

It’s a very minor bug but I thought I’d report it anyway.

On a related note, on my keyboard layout (qwerty (Portuguese)) the default open console command never worked on any engine version, also a bug I believe…I know I can change the keyboard shortcut on my projects, but when someone else sends me a debug project I cannot open the console because the default key does not work on my layout. I know which key it is…I have the key on my keyboard, it simply does not work until I change it to something like "".

Hello David,

I was unable to reproduce this issue, I have a couple of questions that will help me narrow down your issue:

  1. What exact language setting are you using on your keyboard for this issue?
  2. Does this issue affect multiple engine versions or specifically 4.15?


Weird…I cannot reproduce this issue today either on my end, maybe an engine or computer restart solved it. However the issue with the console key remains (all versions of the engine) I think the problem is the console key is mapped by default to the " ` " (Grave accent key), my keyboard layout requires shift to be pressed to make that character so I believe the engine detects my keystroke as Shift + “´” (Acute accent key) instead, which happens to be on the same key as the Grave accent but without shift pressed. The language setting and keyboard layout is QWERTY (Portuguese) here it’s a picture of the layout:

Hi David, i work with UE4 at my college, there they have keyboards that can only have two or three inputs at a time, which can be really annoying, perhaps try a different keyboard. Good luck!

This is working as intended, they keyboard shortcuts do not change based on the physical keyboard or the Keyboard language setting on your computer; however, Your keyboard shortcuts are set in editor preferences, these settings transfer between projects.

If you are still having an issue with your console could you provide a detailed list of steps so I can reproduce your issue on my end?

I was expecting we were going to say that. The problem is this only aplies to My Projects, when someone else sends me binaries of a game to test or play I am unable to open the debug console, what would I expect to happen is: If I press Shift + " ´ " (which prints the character " ` " ) the keystroke is recognized as a Grave Accent key and the console opens. The way it is now it’s completly impossible for me to open the debug console on someone elses binaries. The only workaround would be to buy an american keyboard I guess…

EDIT: the “!” key is located above the “1” key, as in. Shift + 1 makes a “!” setting the console key to “!” does not work either because it requires the use of Shift.
this applies to any key that involves “Shift” to use. This means, on Any keyboard layout in the world that has a character that requires Shift to be pressed the console keystroke will not work. I fail to realize how this is not a bug. The editor allows me to select keys that would never work.

List of steps to reproduce a problem on your end:

I will assume you are using a qwerty (us) keyboard layout.

Step 1 - Create a new empty project

Step 2 - Remap the console key to “!” or any other key above numbers 12345679.

Step 3 - Play in viewport and try to open the console.

Using the steps you provided I got the console to open using both the qwerty US keyboard language and the Portuguese keyboard language on my PC by using Shift+ 7 as my binding. when using this binding do you still have the same issue?

Yes I still have the issue, any console binding that involves shift does not open the console for me…likewise any key that does not involve shift works.I usually use the “” key on my projects. When people send me projects (shipped as debug) I can never open the console, I also tried rebinding the console key in the .ini file but I don’t think that works on a precompiled release.

Does your issue affect multiple engine versions?

yes, every version that I ever used…so from 4.6.1 to 4.15, I tried changing layout to US and tried different (physical) keyboards as well, but all with the same layout to no avail. It happens on multiple computers too, all with the same keyboard layout (but different keyboards), both on windows 7 and windows 10. I really appreciate the effort you’re having into addressing this issue, I wish you could reproduce this issue on your side, I know how difficult it is to fix bugs without being able to reproduce. Is there any other way to open the console besides the key binding? I could try sending a key stroke event with AHK if I knew the default keycode

Ok…I think I’m on to something. I did some experiments, If I create an “Action Binding” to " ! " it will not work, regardless of the “Shift” checkbox being check or not…however if I make an Action Binding with “1” and the “shift” checkbox checked it works. Now since the console binding is essentially an action binding without the checkboxes…it doesn’t work for the same reason.

Could you please try this steps on your end?

1 - Create an Action binding to one of the “symbol” keys

2 - On an empty level, on the level blueprint make a print string or something connected to that action binding.

3- Play in editor and press Shift + (whatever symbol key you choose)

Does it work? It doesn’t on my end. But If I Bind Shift + 1 instead it works. Binding “!” does not work.