Linear Space or Gamma Space?

Hi! I’m trying to understand what is the best way to author my textures and especially to avoid losing their dynamic range between each step of their creation. But it’s giving an hard time to my brain.

(I’m profoundly sorry if my questions sound dumb and badly written (english and maths aren’t my native language)).

As far as my knowledge goes, working with an sRGB color space in photoshop, sRGB should be checked when importing the texture in UE4 so it’s converted to linear space when calculating the shader and finally gamma-corrected when displayed. Does this process imply a quality loss?

Do I have to uncheck sRGB on import for Gloss, Alphas/Masks and Mettalic maps and author them in a linear color space in PS to get an accurate result?

If i’m using .raw photographs (which use linear space) to make my diffuse, should I uncheck sRGB when importing them in UE4 or should I transform them to gamma space in PS before importing? Basically, do textures with sRGB unchecked will still be gamma-corrected before being displayed on screen?

For each material inputs and texture, is this the correct way to handle texture creation ? :

Anything in the Alpha channel, Normal Map > Not Gamma-corrected on import in UE4 and shouldn’t be
Roughness, Mettalic, Color IDs or Masks > Shouldn’t be Gamma-corrected to be physically accurate or mathematically correct when creating a material
Specular > Mostly a constant
AO, Diffuse > Should be gamma-corrected and authored in sRGB

I’m trying the new Quixel Suite and it seems that it’s working with sRGB color space for every map so i’m getting a bit lost with… nearly everything.

Thanks everyone!