Flashlight Mode Input?

Okay. I’ve done everything with the flashlight, attaching to components, inputs, etc. But I still can’t figure out how to do input both flashlight blueprint and animation. The answer is there, but it’s so… annoying and its slipping past me.
Here are some screens…
This is how I would turn on the flashlight… within the flashlight BP, the second is picking up the flashlight and the third is activating flashlight mode within my character blueprint which involves the animation for the flashlight.

First of all, you probably could merge Screenshots 1 and 3, by adding the Animation nodes to the end of Screenshot 1s Attach to nodes. Second, why do you enable and disable the input? As far as i see all Inputs come from the InputActions, and if you Disable it, you can only reenable it from another Blueprint (or with some workaround, like Delays or Trigger Events). So, when you activate the Flashlight, enable the Input to the Blueprint from within the CHaracterBP, for example. Else it won’t get any Inputs at all, unless the Input is activated within the BP itself, but then it would be permanently deactivated, after deactivating the flashlight once.