Packaging Error - UnknownCookFailure

Hello there,

I’m trying to package my project, but it’s failing and I don’t know how to fix this. :confused:
Originally I created my project with Unreal 4.12 and then moved it to 4.15, because I wanted to use the background blur of the UMG designer. It worked without any problems. I just remember I had to reimport one sound file. I also made some minor changes to the lighting and blueprints (I added graphics settings to my pause menu). Everything worked just fine (inside the editor).
However I was also able to package my project with version 4.12.

I have two levels I’m trying to package for win64bit. The first one (UnrealForestDay) is already set as default game map.
I guess this here is the problem, but I’ll include the full log below anyway:

UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:631][  0]LogInit:Display: Warning/Error Summary (Unique only)
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:631][  0]LogInit:Display: -----------------------------------
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:632][  0]LogInit:Display: LogPackageName:Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: 'UnrealForestNight_new' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should start with a '/'
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:632][  0]LogInit:Display: LogPackageName:Error: DoesPackageExist: DoesPackageExist FAILED: 'UnrealForestDay' is not a standard unreal filename or a long path name. Reason: Path should start with a '/'
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:632][  0]LogInit:Display: CookResults:Warning: Warning Unable to find package for cooking UnrealForestNight_new
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:632][  0]LogInit:Display: LogCook:Warning: Unable to find package for cooking UnrealForestNight_new
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:632][  0]LogInit:Display: CookResults:Warning: Warning Unable to find package for cooking UnrealForestDay
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.27:633][  0]LogInit:Display: LogCook:Warning: Unable to find package for cooking UnrealForestDay

So … of course I also googled this problem. Quite some people seem to have the same or a similar problem. And I tried a couple of things, which unfortunately didn’t solve the issue:

  • creating an empty project in version 4.15 and packaging it → worked
  • reversing the changes I made to the widget and character blueprint
  • compared the project settings with the version 4.12 → same
  • went to project settings → maps & modes and set “global default server game mode” to “First Person”
  • under project settings “packaging” changed the staging directory
  • moved the project directory to a (way) shorter path

I also found this in the error log:

UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.13:390][  0]LogCook:Display: Cooking /Engine/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Settings_Tutorial -> E:/Uni/CGL/5. Semester/Engine/neustes/UnrealForestProject 4.15/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Tutorial/Foliage/Foliage_Settings_Tutorial.uasset
UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.04.22-10.38.13:393][  0]LogSavePackage:Display: No exports found (or all exports are editor-only) for Foliage_Settings_Tutorial. Package will not be saved.

I get this kind of error for other things too, like: LevelEditorAttract, BlueprintEditorTutorial,DummySpriteTexture, BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview, Tutorial_BP_MacroLib, LevelBlueprintEditorOverview, DestructibleMeshEditorTutorial, ParticleSystemEditorTutorial, SpriteEditorTutorial, Landscape_Painting_Mode, Landscape_Sculpt_Mode, LandscapeWalkThrough, LevelEditorOverview, PersonaAnimEditorWalkThrough, MaterialEditorTutorial, etc.

I don’t know what else I could try. :confused: I’d be really thankful for help or suggestions! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Ok nevermind. Found the issue myself. I’ll just leave this post here, so anyone else with the same issue might find the solution here. :slight_smile:

So apparently, the problem was that I haven’t specified the paths of my maps I want to include into the package build (under project settings → packaging → list of maps to include in a packaged build).
So far I used to just type in the name of the levels and that worked with version 4.12 for whatever reason.
Now I just figured out the packaging succeeds if I set the file directories of the levels.

Thank you so much… I was running into the same problem with 4.15.1 and it works not… simple simple :slight_smile:

Thanks ! Same problem in 4.16 project :slight_smile: Thanks you so much !