Animation is in place but player can't move around

Hello, i have an animation that was in place before i import it into UE4. I created blendspace and the animation blueprint and i put all the controls to my character. However my character is going weird and can’t move around, he stucked at one place. See the GIF.
[GIF of moving][1]

If he is stuck you should take a look into your character’s blueprint. The animation blueprint is just for playing the animations, but the moving is done in your character blueprint (or in the player controller or character movement component, but in the tutorials they generally use the character blueprint). Can you provide a screenshot of it?

I did all this on character blueprint.

From your blueprint screenshots it seems that the player should move. I am just confused, because when I understand the animation blueprint correctly, you determin the speed out of the velocity. But when your character doesn’t move, it should have zero speed. But when it has zero speed, no walking animation should be played. So why does it walk in your posted gif?

What should i check? i didn’t understand.

I meant that it could be helpful to know why your animation instance plays a walking animation although your character has zero velocity. You can for example print out the current velocity in a tick event to see, if it really has some velocity or if your animation instance plays the wrong animation.

wait, on the previous post you say that “why does it walk in the gif?”. he walks because i press W, if not pressing then he just stands on the idle animation.

Okay, so I assume that you feed the length of the character’s velocity vectors as speed into the blend space you posted. Now when you press W, the walking animation is played (thanks to the blend space), but your character doesn’t move at all. But when he doesn’t move, he has zero velocity/speed, so your blend space should play the idle animation. That’s why I suggested to output the velocity manually on screen or in log to see if the reason character movement does wrong or the animation instance.

how can i do this with the velocity? sorry for all this but i decided for first time to create my own character and its defficult. So if you can provide a screenshot of how to do it.

Just go to your character’s blueprint, find or add the “Tick” event and execute “Print String”. Then add a “Get Velocity” node and drag the vector output to the string input of “Print String”. A “ToString” conversion node should be added automatically.

So, when i don’t press W everything is zero. When press it then starts.

Okay, so the question is: Why does your character not move although it’s movement has a velocity. I would try to bypass the blendspace and just feed the base ref pose into the final pose of your animation instance. Then your character should just “glide” around.

So what i do? Can you explain step by step if you can? As i said its first time that i making a character.

Please help me! I can’t find the solution and i need to finish my character!

Can you tell me what happens when you try this in your animation blueprint?


Nothing, the same thing.

In your character blueprint, when you remove the animation blueprint from your skeletal mesh, does your character move? Also, can you post the settings that differ from the defaults in your character movement component?

You can also try to create a brand new character and copy the blueprint graphs.

It moves a little but then it stops. If i create a new character and transfer the graphs, i think its the same think.

Can you post the settings that differ from the defaults in your character movement component? It could also be that your character is constantly colliding with something. Does is help when you spawn your character at a different location? Also I noticed that your camera is always looking to the ground from the head. Is this intended or can’t you camera also don’t move as you wish?

Whats your World game mode settings looks like? And you project input mappings?