Custom Blueprint Node not showing up


I’m finally moving from UE3 to UE4 and so I’m fiddling around with the blueprint. I read lots of tutorial here and there.
But for whatever reason the custom blueprint node that I wrote shows up in the content browser but not in the blueprint designer (even with sensitive contexte turned off). Here’s the code I wrote for it /****************** HEADER ******************/#pragma once#include "Kismet - . Is there something wrong with my noob code ? Or should I look somewhere else ?

Thanks for reading, and even more thanks for answering.

Try adding BlueprintCallable as specifier to your UFUNCTION macro.

Thanks for the suggestion but it’s not working/ Also according to this tutorial : A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums It seems like the only different for the user between BlueprintCallable and BlueprintPure is the presence of Exec pins. And I’m trying to make a node that simply truncate part of the float, so non exec nodes. But thanks anyway

Rewrote the whole thing… Now it’s working … looks like it was all due to a missplaced “static” before specifier instead of after