SceneCaptureComponent custom FrustumStartDist?


As I see in the sources, the start distance is fixed to global engine option.

Is there any specific reason for that limitation, or why it’s not possible to make it a custom parameter, as nearby MaxViewDistanceOverride?

Is there any other way to set clipping plane for a capture component? (specifically, for Scene Capture Component 2D)

Hey norlin-

The start distance can be set in a SceneCapture2D blueprint from the Draw Frustum component. Additionally, a variable who’s type is Draw Frustum Component can also set the Start Distance. Let me know if this is the information you’re looking for.


I’ve tried to use it this way but it seems it does not have any effect to capturing… Or I’m doing something wrong… Should this parameter create the culled area effect, as on picture? Or not?


Hey Norlin,

Sorry for the confusion. Setting the view frustum’s start and end point doesn’t really influence the scene capture 2d.

You can define the culled area for a scene capture 2d however it takes a few steps.

  • You need to enable global clip plane in project settings
  • In the scene capture component you need to enable Clip Plane
  • Then define the clip plane base (this is the position the clip plane will be in world space)
  • Define clip plane normal (this is the orientation of the clip plane)

I went ahead and set up a small test project for you so you can see it in use. Select the clip plane actor in the scene and you can change the “Start Clip Dist” Value in the details panel to change where the clip plane will start. Open the render target named “Capture_RT” to see the results.

Let me know if that helps!


Wow, thank you so much for the test project!!

p.s. I’ve found the Clip Plane options for a Screen Capture 2D, but didn’t managed yet to understand how to place it properly (and it seems there is no docs about it…)

I’m also trying to understand this for a portal effect. Setting the ClipPlaneBase doesn’t seem to change anything. Did you find an answer?

hey, I don’t actually remember, I think I have found a solution, but don’t remember which one :slight_smile: You can check my old project about the portal:

The link changed: GitHub - denfrost/portal-actor: [WIP] Portal Actor for UE4 .

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