How to make character to fall slower?

How to decrease the falling velocity at a button push? Like in Rayman ( :stuck_out_tongue:
I tried changing gravity but that didn’t work well.

Character movement component options


Either I was doing something wrong or it just don’t work.

Which value?

Right, I was wrong about how those parameters worked.

Try this then:

Couple notes on that:

  1. Change from event tick to a timeline for performance, e.g run the timeline when you hit space bar
  2. Don’t run the code until your character begins falling downward. Currently it applies the launch when going up too, which causes him to go upwards further than intended. Don’t have to setup it up all the way currently



Thank you very much!
But I have the same problem as before: the gravity still works.
I mean, is there a way to have the same falling velocity all the ?

I don’t understand what you mean

With the passage of gravity makes character fall faster. I don’t want that to happen. Is there any way to prevent it?

Alright I see what you mean. Let me think about it and get back to ya if I figure it out

Thank you! :slight_smile:

this is a way to keep the falling speed stick to a value, as the sample 300

Thank you, that worked perfectly!

If you alter fall Velocity “Z”, do you not have to look at any animations you have set up to speed?

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After a while I realized I was thinking too hard. I was trying to do this and I think it will work if you disable gravity while the character is falling which is when the Z component is less than zero. It didn’t make sense at first but it seems like gravity is entirely acceleration related just like in normal physics so turning it off after a certain point should give you a constant speed. I used -300 in this example. You can use a value of 0 but you will fall very slow.
Using a value lower than zero will add more initial momentum. I had to start with the “event tick” to start the function. You may have have to put in a “sequence” node which will let you add extra pathways if you already have your event tick linked to something. Then click on your character movement component in your selected character’s blueprint and right click in the canvas to find get velocity and set gravity scale nodes. It might not be exactly what you need but it seems to work pretty well!

Sorry , but you dont need to do this on Tick , as thats gonna be every frame, you only have to setup the gravity scale when jump and when is falling .

Although a long has passed, I only recently saw this problem.
I checked the C++ code of the CharacterMovementComponent and found that when the player falls, it will use simple mechanics to calculate the falling speed (free fall).pls check:UcharacterMovementComponent::PhysFalling
Through this function, you will find that there is a limit to the maximum falling speed when the player is in free fall.(Check the function UcharacterMovementComponent::NewFallVelocity) The maximum falling speed can be directly modified through C++ or blueprint:
Blueprint:The above functions and member variables can be found exactly the same in the blueprint
It may be too late to answer, but I still hope I can help some

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I was just looking for this as well just now, so thanks for this info. Your answers are never late to those of the future.