How to play animation before moving character


I have a character with free rotating camera when she’s standing still, which sticks to her back while she’s moving.
I want my character to play turn animation, when camera is facing nearly opposite to character (I can see her face), and I press W to start moving (in camera direction).

I know it sounds complex, but in simple words: I want to play an animation before character starts moving, when player press any movement key. I can post some pictures if it’s still unclear.

What’s the simplest way to obtain that effect?

EDIT: I’m using C++ pawn class with animation blueprint.

You probably have a state graph where you do transitions between states like “idle”, “walking”, etc. In this state graph I would extend the “walking” state which is probably activated when the velocity is greater zero. Then you check if the angle between the velocity and the actor forward vector is greate than a certain value. If yes, play the turning animation and when it’s finished, just the normal animation.

That makes sense, but how do I suppress character from moving during “turn” animation?