MemReport -full crashes dedicated linux server

Whenever i run MemReport -full on a dedicated server running a linux build for 4.15.1 the server crashes.

Stacktrace here: memreport -full crash · GitHub

The stacktrace contains a reference to UPrimitiveComponent::GetStreamingTextureInfo. But
would a dedicated server have any textures loaded?

Hey PhroZenOne-

Are you building your dedicated server on Linux or cross compiling from Windows? Are you entering the “MemReport -full” as part of the arguments when launching the server or running this command after starting the server?

It is cross compiled from windows and the command is run as a console command on the server after the server has started.

I’ve tried entering the command in the terminal window after launching the server but I do not see the same crash logs. If you’re able to reproduce this in a new project, can you provide the project/packaged files for me to test directly?

I’ve tried reproducing the issue on a new project but no luck I’m afraid. In hopes that it was fixed with 4.16-preview we migrated there and now we are having other issues with cooking so currently this is not our priority. I’ll come back to you as soon as we fix the 4.16 cooking issues or revert back to 4.15.

Hey PhroZenOne-

I am going to mark this post as resolved for tracking purposes. If you do encounter this issue again, please feel free to add a comment to reopen this post for further investigation. If possible, please include reproduction steps of your setup or a sample project that demonstrates the issue to help me test the behavior locally.
