GameState variables not replicated properly

I tried to search for this problem quite a while, but it seems I can’t get the variables on my custom GameState to replicate to the clients properly.
I run the game with dedicated server enabled and PIE as client. This is how I have set up my code:

Every time I press “ü” the game prints “No Conv.Mgr. found”, even though the begin play event has run (I checked) and the actor was spawned on the server. As soon as I disable dedicated server and do a PIE, the proper output gets printed on screen and the code works fine.

Did I overlook something? The GameState should replicate to all clients and thus the variables, too.

Having a similar issue.

I would spawn the Actor somewhere else or place it in the level and then set the execution local in the actor. The Game State is more to store the state of your actor in the current game not containing the actual actor. The “Authority Node” control is to make sure your Controller/Pawn is the current server or authority holder.

Regarding the replicated variables you can set them to “RepNotify” that will create a function called OnRep_[VarName] that will fire everytime you change the variable. Very good for debugging.


Information regarding game modes an game state: