Widget is hindering hit result under cursor

Hello everyone, im having some trouble with a health bar widget that i implementet.

I created a game from top down perspective where my character always looks at my mouse cursor but can still run in every direction via WASD controlls (kinda like Battlerite).
Normally my character always looked at the mouse cursor, until i created my floating health bar that is hovering over my character. At first i thought it worked fine but after some testing i noticed that the aiming is a little bit off if i get close to the health bar (picture 1: char is looking down altho the cursor is above him).

It seems that i cant target the space directly behind the health bar and so the aiming bugs out a little. Its really noticable if i fire some projectiles close to the characters head.

I tried to disable almost everything that could have anything to do with it as seen in the picture 2 at the details tab. Maybe i overlooked something? Is there an option so that the Progress bar gets ignored completely by the cursor so that i get the hit result under the bar?

Also, from time to time, when i change the mouse positions fast i notice some flickering from the widget, as if its trying to change direction towards the Mouse too. Could it be that the Scene component tries to set the rotation accordingly to the rotating character? My implementation for the bar always facing towards me is in picture 2. The function is called from the event tick inside the character.

The health bar is implemented as a simple Progress bar inside a canvas. That Widget is child of a Scene component inside my character so that i can correctly use the pivot for orientation (i got the foundation for this health bar from this little tutorial 3D Health Bar Part Two (Rotation) - YouTube ).

I really hope u can help me out here, im not programming long in UE4 and would take every help that i can get. Thanks in advance!

Disable collision of the widget entirely. I noticed you chose ‘UI’ preset. This still blocks the visibility trace channel, which I assume is the one you’re using. Click the arrow to expand collision presets to see what’s being blocked and what isn’t. Try choosing custom, and totally ignoring everything to see if that helps.

Thank you very much, that was it!

Could you mark my answer as answered? Thanks