Accesed none in transition rule between animation states

Hello, I want to set up the transition rule between two animation states and keep getting this error:

“PIE:Error: Error Blueprint Runtime
Error: Accessed None trying to read
property PlayerReference from
‘ExecuteUbergraph_Idle_Walk_ABP’ from
node: Result in graph: Transition in
object: Idle_Walk_ABP with
description: Accessed None trying to
read property PlayerReference”

My setup is that I put a reference to the Character BP, where I have the Inventory as an array, and check if it contains the Torch so to speak. However, I keep getting this error and I am really unsure to why it occurs.
I followed this guide, and managed to clean the errors with a dummy state, but it was not working anyway. This is my current setup.

The transition from Rdy back to IdleWalkState is the same but with a NOTBool.

Actually I solved it. I just moved the whole thing to the event graph of the Anim BP and made a bool after the inventory check, and used that in the transition rule instead.