Odd A.R.T. Error

Can you do me a favor, and in your script editor, under history, can you turn on show stack trace, and then try to get the error again and paste the whole result? It should spit out a lot more information, and then I can dig in the code. It’s weird, I don’t even have that line number :slight_smile:

I can’t seem to get A.R.T. to function properly when Weighted Vertices. This seems to be the error that appeared when I go into “Paint” Mode using A.R.T.:

# Error: TypeError: file C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.1/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ART_skeletonBuilder_UI.py line 19301: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable #

I personally don’t even know what this means to be honest, and as such I don’t know what is causing it or how to fix it.

Anyone know what is going on? Right now I can paint in “Paint” mode, but the bones are not accepting the painted Vertices. Meaning, painting then moving a bone does not move the mesh.


Here is what is says now.

# Error: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "C:/Program Files/Unreal Engine/4.1/Engine/Extras/Maya_AnimationRiggingTools/MayaTools/General/Scripts\ART_skeletonBuilder_UI.py", line 19199, in paintWeights
#     if joint not in self.influences:
# TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable # 

Hope that helps.

okay, so I’ve looked at the code now, and while I don’t know exactly what’s happening on your end, I can explain what it is trying to do.

It tries to make a list of all of the influences on the selected geometry. Your error though is saying there is nothing in that list (NoneType is not iterable).

The whole code breaks down like this:
-find all skin clusters and find the geometry they belong to
-if geometry of skinCluster matches selection, get list of influences (yours is coming up empty)
-populate the UI with all of the joints
-remove joints from UI that are not in list of influences (this is where you error)

I would need to see your scene to debug this, but I don’t think the code is acting up here, I think there must be something odd about the file.
Some possible things to check would be history on your meshes, mesh names and their shape names, and making sure nothing in the scene has the same name as anything else.

Also, try using Maya’s paint weights and see what populates in the UI. That might give some clues as well.

So something I am rather confused about is when Skinning a custom character model. So I have to apply a skin modifier? Or does the Plugin do it automatically?
Because when trying to paint weights to vertices, the plugin says that there is “No skinCluster assigned”. That’s when I tired adding a Maya “Smooth Bind” to the model and that’s when I kept getting the error I originally mentioned.

So, does anyone know what is going on? I am still trying to figure out the issue and seek out an answer.


Can you send me your file? It’ll be the only way I can for sure be able to further help.