Pawn Movement Replicated to Server but not Clients

I have a multiplayer hover racing game set up so one person can host a game and allow clients to join.
All Pawns spawn in correctly and are able to move locally.
The replication of the movement, however, is only being sent to the server and not back to the clients; the host of the game (listening server) can see themselves move an all of the clients move, but every client can only see themselves move and no-one else, not even the host!
I have the pawn blueprint here: Screenshot - cc0f4b4c0cbd5797d8d522e9bcc90bbf - Gyazo
MoveForward : Screenshot - c21d41ab70fb2a494395f2286b4acb10 - Gyazo
MoveRight : Screenshot - a14181708ff401ee57af28c84f23288c - Gyazo - this is replicated perfectly to the server but I need the server to send that information back to all the clients.
I’ve tried several different combinations of switching authority and where the custom event is executed to no avail.
Pawn BP Hierarchy - Screenshot - 339cf6f505e0b21542c76c0d466691b8 - Gyazo

If the pawn is been replicated on server but not in clients, yo have to set all the variables you use into “replicated” mode. I mean, if there is a position, distance, a boolean flag, etc. You have to mark them as replicated as the following:


The pawns movement doesn’t use variables, it just uses numeric float values. If I change those values into float variables and set the variables to replicate, that should work?
Edit: okay so added speed and turning force variables to replace my numeric values and set them to replicate. I also removed my switch has authority node from the custom server event and the result was the host is now being replicated to the clients, but the clients still aren’t replicating to eachother.

Yes, if the float values are related whit its position. Try to change it to “replicated” and comment us what happened

See above, I made an edit!

Got it!! If the host is replicating to the clients make the following:

  1. Create a new_custom_function that has replicates as “multicast”
  2. Call the new_custom_function after ServerMoveForward fuction.
  3. That’s it

What is happening is that the client is running the BPScript, but it needs to multicast to other clients to update the actions.

I bet this will solve your problem :wink:

You are an absolute god! Thank you so much!
I’ve been racking my brain for weeks trying to figure out the problem!
Wish I could upvote you more than once :smiley:

Thanks for your answer, what should be inside the new multicast function?