Static mesh morpher?

According to docs.
There supposed to be a 3dsmax script located in the UE4 installation diretory.

Its gone! I have google it but no luck… Any substitute or other ways to export morphtargets from Max?


Hi Kalasjnikov,

Here is a link to this 3ds max script if you still need it.

Alternatively you can export static meshes by following this video. This is the method I used when first trying morph targets and did not have to use the script.

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I’ll see what I can do to help out! :slight_smile:

Thank you!


Thanks Mate!

Thanks for sharing that, much appreciated!

How do I load the static Mesh in the Editor? It seems, that unreal only supports skeletal meshes with morphs.

That is correct. The morph target animation will only be seen as a skeletal mesh.

Thanks for the script! Could Epic update the documentation or add the max script to their next build to reduce confusion? Spent all day downloading different builds to find the script.

That is correct. The morph target animation will only be seen as a skeletal mesh.

So what’s the purpose of the StaticMeshMorpher node do in the material editor? I thought SM morph uses Worldspace deforms and not animations. Could you clarify please?