VisualLogs only output during montage

I’m trying to use the visual logger to record various sets of information. I am having an issue, however, where some information is displayed in Visual Studio output, and some is displayed in the Visual Logger. In particular, log data is only appearing in the Visual Logger when a montage is playing.

For example, animation data is very useful, and if I wanted to show the animation name and weighting during visual logger playback I could add some code to the update in the blendspace player

void FAnimNode_BlendSpacePlayer::UpdateAssetPlayer(const FAnimationUpdateContext& Context)



	// ~~~Begin here ~~~
	if (FVisualLogger::IsRecording())
		FString Name = GetAnimAsset()->GetName();

		const FAnimInstanceProxy& Proxy = *Context.AnimInstanceProxy;
		const USkeletalMeshComponent* SkeletalMeshComponent = const_cast<FAnimInstanceProxy&>(Proxy).GetSkelMeshComponent();

		if (const AActor* OwnerActor = (SkeletalMeshComponent != nullptr) ? SkeletalMeshComponent->GetOwner() : nullptr)
			UE_VLOG_UELOG(OwnerActor, LogBlendspaceInfo, VeryVerbose, TEXT("Blend - %s : W %f"), *Name, Context.GetFinalBlendWeight());

In Visual Studio I can have a constant stream of
LogBlendspaceInfo:VeryVerbose: Blend - relaxed_forward_blendspace : W 1.000000

but in the Visual Logger, there is nothing until I play a montage. At which time, I can watch the Weighting slowly blend out
LogBlendspaceInfo:VeryVerbose: Blend - relaxed_forward_blendspace : W 1.000000
LogBlendspaceInfo:VeryVerbose: Blend - relaxed_forward_blendspace : W 0.988461
LogBlendspaceInfo:VeryVerbose: Blend - relaxed_forward_blendspace : W 0.945082

LogBlendspaceInfo:VeryVerbose: Blend - relaxed_forward_blendspace : W 0.000090

Any ideas why information may appear in two different places, and why montages seem to be so special?