Height Map Slot for Props?

I made Materials with SD (Metallic/Roughness-Workflow) but don’t know how to set up the height map for my props…
There is not a simple ‘Height Map’ Slot like there is for Metallic, Roughness etc.

Please tell me how to set up the height map for my props.

Thanks for help,


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please help

I figured it out myself:

Use the Bump Offset node

Height map into → Bump Offset → plug into all other maps such as diffuse, metal etc. (Use the UV nodeslot) → plug your maps into the material slots.

In Bump Offset use a really low setting such as 0.005 (0.05 is default but was way too much for me and ended up in stretching out of the UV Space)

Bump Offset is not particular a good solution, even better:

Use the World Displacement Slot. Turn on Tesselation in your Material Settings first.

If necessary multiply your height map.

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