Strange Lighting Glitch

I have been encountering a strange lighting glitch with in unreal and it is really bugging me. I want to create a cool bright and colourful world for my 2d action side scroller but only one part of the map is lighted correctly and I don’t know why.

This picture shows the main building area on the left which is really bright lit by the directional light is what I wanted all the lighting to look like but the area on the left is massively darker. I’ve tried changing things around with lighting on the tile maps that make up the world but so far nothing has changed. normally I was using the masked lit sprite material on the tile maps but in the picture I switched them all to translucent which made allot of thing slightly see through so ive changed them back to masked. if any one knows how to fix this I would love it as it really ruins the look of the game for me quite massively and no one wants an ugly game.

thank you in advance <3

P.S. I have not done any programing as of now as I would like to finish the first level before I start with the fun stuff.

Try to setup a post prosseng volume for the building sides and change the settings how you need to see it.
You found a tutorials about post prossesing right here Unreal Engine 4 Beginner Tutorial Series - #34 Post Processing - YouTube

i managed to fix it all i had to do was add a sky light and everything is now lit the same.