Why can't I use the Blend Mode Opaque for Decals?

Hello everybody!

As I am quite new to the Unreal Engine, I need to watch some tutorials to understand everything that I need to know.

I watched this video on how to create and use Decals ( Ue4: advanced materials (Ep. 12 Using decals) - YouTube ) but I always get this error message when I set the Material Domain from “Surface” to “Deferred Decal”:

Error [SM5] Material using the DeferredDecal domain need to use the BlendMode Translucent (this saves performance)

I already looked it up on the Internet but I haven’t found a proper solution to this problem (yet).
Here is a Picture of the Problem, so you can imagine better, what I mean

I hope you can see this image (Idk why but the resolution automatically scales down when I upload it) if not, I can try to repost it with a better resolution

When I try to use this Decal, while getting that error message, It just simply doesn’t work:

Rotating/Scaling doesn’t change anything.

I know I can change the BlendModel from Opaque to Translucent but then (as it already says) the Decal is Translucent. But I (obviously) don’t want it to be Translucent :slight_smile: Is there a way how to fix this problem?

I’m really sorry if there are some spelling/structure mistakes, I still go to 8th grade in germany and I’m not that good when it comes to describing problems really detailed.

Thank you for your time/advice!


Okay try this. Set the blend mode to masked and then plug the blood alpha into the opacity mask section.

Same thing happens:

Also notice, that the opacity mask plug greys out as soon as I switch from “Surface” to “Deferred Decal”

Thank you for the answer though :slight_smile:

Go to Project Settings and under Rendering enable DBuffer Decals

Then go to your decal material and choose any DBuffer as Decal Blending Mode. Your decal will be opaque, work with static lighting but you will lose the ability to preview it if the material gets instanced and it has a very small performance cost.