Distance Field AO Funk?

I was checking out the DFAO randomly this morning and was kind of noticing that the visualization didn’t entirely match up with what I was seeing in the final scene composition. So I played around with the clipmap distance exponent to get it really exaggerated and, with a black occlusion tint, the scene looks like this:

And here’s the scene with a green-tinted AO.

I could potentially see this as a byproduct of the tonemapper/eye-adaptation, but it still seems that the black-tinted AO should show up given the extreme presence of the green.

Also worth mentioning: movable directional light, movable skylight.

Per Sir Tim Hobson’s request, here are a couple more screens (again, I have the cvar “r.AOGlobalDFClipmapDistanceExponent” jacked up pretty far (32) just for testing this):

Visualize Distance Field AO:

Visualize Mesh Distance Fields

The rest of the results are the same as the originally-posted ones.