Cooking 32-bit Windows version with VS2017

  1. Install Visual Studio 2017 with default parameters (development classic applications).
  2. Try to cook win32 version of any project (win64 version works fine)
  3. Got a message: “ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item ‘some.exe’”
  4. Change VS2017 by adding “Tools VC++ 2015.3 v140 (x86, x64)”
  5. All works fine. :slight_smile:

Hope you can fix this bug in future releases.

The same error:

Crossposting from my question:

If the above solution doesn’t fix it, try this as well:

Step 1:

  • Try going to Packaging Settings (File → Package Project → Packaging Settings).
  • Under “Project”, enable “Full rebuild”
  • Try to package for Win32.

If it is not working again, step 2:

  • Go again on Packaging Settings,
  • Enable “For Distribution”
  • Realise that it won’t let you choose “Debug” or “Development” modes on “Build Configuration” again, unless you uncheck it
  • Try building again

Hi! Thank you for the answer. Not working both solutions. I can’t even build my project with configurations: Development-Win32 or Shipping-Win32. The only way for me is installing “Tools VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset (x86, x64)” :frowning:

I’m not sure which of all the above helped me in my case (did them altogether), just thought that I should leave this here too in case someone has problems -even with your solution- since your post came up first on my google search.

Epic Games should try to resolve this problem on 4.16…

I hope so, too.